Easy bee craft for kids! Potato stamps are such a fun and easy way to stamp with kids. Especially a super easy way to create bees because the shape of a potato is perfect. You only need yellow paint and a black marker! You can make the bees yellow or in rainbow colors; they all turn out adorable. So, gather the craft supplies below and start with this easy bee craft activity.
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Super easy bee craft for kids
Potato stamp bee craft supplies
- Potato (cutting knife and board)
- Yellow paint (or any color you want for your bees)
- Black marker and/or fine liner
- White paint (marker) for the eyes
- White paper (preferably thicker paper)
- Plate for the paint and a sponge to apply the paint

Simple and easy bee craft
Step-by-step craft instructions
Step 1: Gather the craft supplies.
Step 2: Start by cutting your potato perfectly in half. You must make a clean cut to ensure your stamp works well. You can use different sizes and shapes of potatoes for the other bees.
Step 3: Take a small plate to apply the paint. With a sponge, apply the paint on one half of your apple till your apple is nicely covered in paint. Don’t use too much paint because you want a lovely clean stamp. You can use washable paint (recommended when working with small kids) or acrylic paint (for the best coverage). First, make a test stamp on a piece of scrap paper.
Step 4: When you´re happy with your test stamp, you can stamp your potato on your white paper. You can use multiple colors or keep your potato stamps one color. If you switch color, you can easily wash your potato in the sink, dry it carefully with a paper towel and use it again.
Step 5: Let your potato stamps fully dry before we decorate them.
Step 6: Draw the stripes of your bee with a black marker or fine liner. You can make different bee stripes (see photos), thick, thin, zigzag, wavy, etc. It´s fun to mix it up!
Step 7: Now your need two tiny wings to fly. Draw them with a fine liner and color them light blue with watercolors or a pencil (optional).
Step 8: Give your bee four tiny legs and a stinger on the back.
Step 9: Last but not least, give all your bees silly facial expressions. You can also use googly eyes.

Easy bee craft stamps in color
Great job on these paper roll bee stamps. Now let’s try this paper bee fan craft activity. Or if you prefer a paper roll stamping activity, you should try out these amazing bee stamps!
For more information about our favorite craft supplies and/or stores, check out the blog post favorites.
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