Looking for a cute Easter and spring craft activity? You´re in the right place! We have an adorable Easter bunny ice cream craft idea for you. You can store some Easter treats in the cup, which makes it an excellent gift idea as well. We created the ice cream cone with a paper cup. And we gave the Easter bunny her fluffy texture using a toothbrush and paint. It´s a super fun craft idea for the upcoming spring season. So gather the craft supplies below, and let´s craft an ice cream cone Easter bunny.
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Craft supplies needed:
- White paper
- Paint, we used acrylic paint but washable paint works perfectly as well
- Colored paper or cardstock
- Paper cup
- Toothbrush (an old one) and paintbrush
- Glass or round object to trace
- Pencil
- Scissor
- Glue
- Black and brown marker
Step-by-step craft instructions:
Step 1: Gather the craft supplies you need for this craft.
Step 2: Start with white paper and a glass or any round object to trace. Make a circle in the middle of your paper.
Step 3: Choose the color of your Easter bunny and paint the circle in the middle of your page, this will be the head of your bunny. With a toothbrush, you cover over the paint and make the circle (the head of the bunny) look extra fluffy. See the pictures above.
Step 4: From colored paper we´re going to cut two ears, two hands/feet, and two eyes (you can also draw the eyes with a black marker or paint). See the picture above.
Step 5: Glue the eyes, and ears on your Easter bunny.
Step 6: Take your paper cup and cut it in half. With a brown marker, we´re going to draw some diagonal lines. Till we have a checkered pattern, like on an ice cream cone.
Step 7: Glue your cup/ice cream cone on your paper, so the head of the bunny pops out.
Step 8: We´re almost done, we only have to glue the hands/feet on your bunny.
Step 8: Last but not least give your bunny a paper orange carrot!
Well done creating this Easter bunny! We also crafted an Easter bunny garland with paper carrots that are perfect to store some Easter candy. For this craft, we have a free Easter craft printable. Or you can try out these super easy cotton pad bunny puppets. Which you can create in just a couple of minutes. Find the step-by-step craft instructions right here.
For more information about our favorite craft supplies and/or stores, check out the blog post favorites. And don’t forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel for step-by-step craft instructions!
[…] done creating this awesome paper cup bunny craft. If you liked this your might also like this bunny craft with a paper cup. Or this DIY Easter garland with free craft […]